Thursday, August 18, 2005

Yakal Christian Fellowship

I'm afraid these are the only photos I have of some of the regular attendees of the Yakal Christian Fellowship, a dorm-based fellowship in Yakal Residence Hall of UP Diliman.

Let's start at the left photo at the top, then continue in a clockwise direction: it's Jaylord with Ate Lavinia and Jeiel during our Rummage Sale at the UP Village Barangay Hall.

Next photo shows me, Manong Ralph, Ate Lavinia, and my high school classmates and still college schoolmates, Vanessa and Shean during our dinner at Ihaw1.

Then, it's still at that dinner: Manong, then Ate Joan, then Kuya Derf, Kuya John and Kuya Reymar.

And lastly, I and my brothaaah, Ralph.



Blogger ad said...

Lance!!!!!!!! I like your new template. Reminds me of Quezon's. Hehe.

Fri Aug 19, 01:08:00 AM GMT+8  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yey! My face is on the web! Hehehehe!

Fri Aug 19, 11:16:00 PM GMT+8  

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