Congratulations, IM batchmates!

I hate this pose.

But I love these people.
Labels: medicine
Minutiae of my every day since 2004.
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Bathe my soul in rich consolations
...of thy resurrection life;
Great was thy grace commanding me to come hand in hand
....with thee to the Father, be knit to him eternally, discover in him my rest, find in him my peace, behold his glory, honour him who is alone worthy; giving me the Spirit as teacher, guide,
..that I may live repenting of sin,
..conquer Satan,
..find victory in life.
When thou art absent all sorrows are here,
When thou art present all blessings are mine.
Labels: faith
What’s the shiniest, most exciting new technology for transportation? Well, there are plenty of candidates! We’ve got the self-driving car and drones big enough to carry people. Elon Musk is getting ready to bore hyperloop tunnels. When it comes to moving humans around, the future looks to be merging with sci-fi.
But from where I stand, the most exciting form of transportation technology is more than 100 years old—and it’s probably sitting in your garage. It’s the bicycle. The future of transportation has two thin wheels and handlebars.
Labels: daily
If a case were to reach the Court demanding that a ninth ray be added to the flag, and the constitutional provision was not amended and duly ratified, the Court would have to reject the case based on the hallowed tradition honoring the current flag that goes all the way back to 1898. Article XVI, Section 1 itself speaks of “consecration” by the people and “recognition” in law; but the point is, even if the proviso were not included, the Court would still be bound by this tradition. In other words, there are limits beyond which the Supreme Court cannot venture. Like King Canute of legend, who was reported to have commanded the tide of the sea to stop (and failed), the Court cannot hold back the tides of reason and history.
The wrong that the Supreme Court is poised to commit today is so clear, and so clearly unjust, that over a hundred law professors, led by deans and former deans of law schools in different parts of the country, published an advertisement calling on the Supreme Court to stop resisting the constitutional tide. “We, members of law faculties, express our deep concern at the move to unseat the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court by means other than by impeachment.”
The quo warranto petition is a brazen violation of the Constitution, which states that the Chief Justice can only be removed through a trial in the Senate acting as an impeachment court. What propels the Supreme Court to assume jurisdiction over this case, in effect abandoning its constitutional duty to uphold the law and safeguard the integrity of the Charter as a legal frame for the conduct of our institutions?
What seems clear is that the Supreme Court is in grave danger of being irreversibly damaged, reduced to a choir singing a chorus of assent to the dictates of a potentate who sees an enemy in anyone who would not bend a knee, to be eliminated by weakened state instrumentalities.
If the justices lend credence to the quo warranto, they effectively put into the hands of unprincipled legal technicians an insidious weapon that would cow them into submission. It is a sword that will make their heads roll in the event that any one of them stands up to Calida’s boss.
The reported behavior was caused by tobramycin, an antibiotic commonly used in clinical settings, and resulted in a dual signal response. As this antibiotic was applied to a colony of P. aeruginosa, the bacteria produced a signal to a localized area of the colony—a Pseudomonas quinolone signal (PQS) that is known to occur—as well as a second, community-wide response, known as the alkyl hydroxyquinoline (AQNO).
The team mapped production of each response spatially, and determined that P. aeruginosa is capable of producing PQS in small pockets at significantly higher concentrations than previously recorded.
Labels: medicine
Labels: daily
Let us take up his cross and follow him.
May the agency of thy grace prepare us
....for thy dispensations.
Make us willing that thou shouldest
...choose our inheritance and
...determine what we shall retain or lose,
....suffer or enjoy;
If blessed with prosperity may we be free
..from its snares,
..and use, not abuse, its advantages;
May we patiently and cheerfully submit those afflictions which are necessary.
When we are tempted to wander,
..hedge up our way,
..excite in us abhorrence of sin,
..wean us from the present evil world,
Assure us that we shall at last enter
....Immanuel’s land
......where none is ever sick,
......and the sun will always shine.
Labels: faith